Larry - Gustav Victims Need Compassion

Press Release

Date: Sept. 2, 2008
Location: Boise, ID

U.S. Senate candidate Larry LaRocco asks Idahoans to send prayers and support to the people of the Gulf Coast in the aftermath of Hurricane Gustav. He also urges Idahoans to hold the federal government accountable—something that didn't happen in 2005.

"There were two tragedies in Hurricane Katrina: the loss of life and the failure of our federal government to respond to the suffering of its citizens. In times of disaster, the safety of our families should be our federal government's most pressing concern," LaRocco said. "We need to hold our leaders accountable."

The death toll following Hurricane Katrina stands at more than 1,800. But, two days after the storm hit, President Bush praised FEMA Director Michael Brown, saying "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."

One of LaRocco's opponents, Jim Risch, ignored the truth because it didn't square with his partisan politics—essentially, he chose President Bush over Americans in need. During his 7-month stint as governor, Risch was candid with a reporter from the British newspaper, "The Guardian":

"Jim Risch, stretched back in his chair and outlined his alternative history of the last few years in America. ‘Hurricane Katrina - they heaped that on George Bush!' said Mr. Risch."

He also belittled the tragedy and suggested Idahoans would respond by profiteering:

"Here in Idaho, we couldn't understand how people could sit around on the curbs waiting for the federal government to come and do something. … That's the culture here. Not waiting for the federal government to bring you drinking water. In Idaho there would have been entrepreneurs selling the drinking water."

Idahoans would not profit from their neighbors' misfortunes. Idahoans would give the shirts off their backs. They would risk their lives to help those in trouble. If he weren't so out of touch, he'd know that.
